Duray Miklós letartóztatásának híre a nemzetközi sajtóban (angolul)

A letartóztatás hírét közölték a nemzetközi hírügynökségek. 1984. május 21-22
– Az angol nyelvű sajtótájékoztató szövege
– Az Agence France Presse francia hírügynökség tudósítása
– Az Associated Press amerikai hírügynökség tudósítása

Czechs Said to Arrest A Minority Leader

BUDAPEST, May 21 (Reuters) – The unofficial leader of Czechoslovakia’s Hungarian minority has been arrested, dissident sources in Budapest said today.

They said they believed the arrest of Miklos Duray was related to his campaign against plans to cut Hungarian-language teaching in Czechoslovak schools.

They said Mr. Duray, a geologist in his 40’s, was suspected of harming Czechoslovak interests abroad and could face as much as six years in prison if convicted.

The sources said Mr. Duray was detained last week in Bratislava.

Attempts to reach Mr. Duray’s home by telephone from Vienna encountered a constant busy signal.

(Az angol nyelvű sajtótájékoztató szövege)

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Prague, May 22 (AFP) – Czechoslovak authorities arrested Mik-16s Duray, 39, a dissident from the largely low-profile Hungarian minority in the south, on May 11, his wife told AFP today.

Mr. Duray had been arrested a first time inNovember 1982 and held three months.

According to Hungarian emigre sources in Vienna, Mr. Duray, a geologist, was rearrested after protesting in a letter to President Gustav Husak against a proposal – not implemented – to reduce Hungarian in schools in Slovakia.

The Hungarian government apparently intervened on his behalf last year, though he had signed Charter 77, the founding statement of Czechoslovak dissidents.

Mr. Duray was apparently the only member of Czechoslovakia’s Hungarian minority who did sign, as the minority does not often make the news.

The minority is one of six „nationalities” recognized by Czechoslovak law, each of which is given the right to primary and secondary schools with teaching in its own language, and its own cultural activities and press.

The nationalities – the others are Czech, Slovak, German, Ukra-nian or Ruthenian, Russian and Polish – also have proportional representation in the federal parliament, where the Hungarian minority has 19 of 350 seats.

(Az Agence France Presse francia hírügynökség tudósítása)

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Hungarian Minority Leader in Czechoslovakia Held

Vienna, May 22 (AP) – Miklós Duray, who opposes government plans to cut native-language education for fellow Hungarians in Czechoslovakia, is in police custody, emigre sources said today.

The sources, who spoke on condition that they not be identified, said Duray’s wife told them in a telephone call from the Western city of Bratislava, near the Austrian border, that her husband was arrested 12 days ago. Eight associates detained at the same time have been freed, she said.

The sources could not say why the arrests were made and did not know if charges had been filed against Duray, considered by many Hungarians in Czechoslovakia as their unofficial leader.

The sources speculated, however, that the police moves stemmed from government displeasure with Duray’s opposition to a proposed law which would reduce Hungarian language instruction for members of that ethnic minority. About 4 percent of Czechoslovakia’s 15.4-million population is Hungarian.

Duray collected „several thousand names on a petition” opposing the proposal, said a source.

He also sent written appeals against the planed law to President Gustav Husak and other government leaders. Hungary also is rumored to have asked Czechoslovakia to reconsider.

(Az Associated Press amerikai hírügynökség tudósítása)

