Dante B. Fascell az amerikai kongresszus Európai Biztonsági és Együttműködési Bizottságának (az úgynevezett „Helsinki Bizottságnak”), valamint a képviselőház Külügyi Bizottságának elnöke 1984. június 7-én bizalmas levélben szólította fel Gustav Husakot Duray Miklós szabadlábrahelyezésére. Bár a levelet nem hozták nyilvánosságra, a Helsinki Bizottság hivatalos közlönye, a CSCE Digest nyilvánosan ismertette Duray Miklós ügyét. Washington, 1984. június 15.
U.S. Congress o Washington. D.C. 20515 202/225-1901
June 15, 1934 7-14
— Miklós_Duray_, a leading member of Czechoslovakia’s Hungarian minority and a Charter 77 signatory, was again arrested on May 11, apparently because of his work, in defense of the cultural and educational rights of Czechoslovakia’s ethnic minorities. Duray had been put on trial in February 1983 for „hostile acts against the state,” While no verdict was given, the charges against him were never dropped. It is not presently known whether new charges have been made against him, or when and where his next trial will be held.
Dante B. Fascell, Chairman * Robert Dote, Co-chairman
Senators Orrin Hatch, John Heinz, Alfonw M. D’Amato, Clsibome Pall, Patrick J. L*ahy RtpTBMntativn Sidney fl. Yates, Timothy E. Wirth, Edward J. Markey, Don Ritter, Chriitophw H. Smith
R. Spencer Ofivai, Staff Director * Myron L. HoHmann, Editor