A magyarországi írók tiltakozó nyilatkozatának hírét Ismertették a nemzetközi hírügynökségek.
1984. június 14-17
Hungarian Writers Protest Arrest of Miklos Duray
Vienna, June 14 (UPI) – Three well-known Hungarian writers have issued an open letter condemning the arrest last month of Miklos Duray, an ethnic Hungarian activist in Czechoslovakia, dissident sources in Budapest said Thursday.
The sources said the June 6 letter was signed by novelist Tibor Cseres, dramatist István Csurka and author Miklós Meszöly, none of whom are considered dissidents.
Duray, who has been arrested in the past for his activities in support of minority rights of Czechoslovakia’s 580,000 ethnic Hungarians, was arrested May 10 on charges of harming the interests of Czechoslovakia abroad.
This apparently was in connection with the fact that his activities, previous arrest in 1982 and trial in 1983 were given extensive publicity by Hungarian nationalists and in the foreign media.
His trial last year was ended without the charges being dropped.
„The new arrest of Miklós Duray is not only a violation of his individual rights, but those of the entire Hungarian minority (in Czechoslovakia),” the writers’ letter said.
It said the three writers attended Duray’s 1983 trial and considered it their duty to „follow his fate.”
A United Press International amerikai hírügynökség tudósítása
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Budapest, 14.Juni (AFP) -Dreiungarische Schriftsteller haben öffentlich gegen die Festnahme des Regimekritikers Miklós Duray, Mitglied der ungarischen Minderheitinder ČSSR, am 11.Mai in Bratislava (Pressburg) protestiert. Dies verlautete am Donnerstag aus Dissidentenkreisen in Ungarn.
In einer öffentlichen Erklarung vertreten die drei Schriftstelle Tibor Cseres, Istvan Csurka und Miklós Mészöly die Auffassung, das „die neuerliche Festnahme Miklos Durays nicht nur eine Verletzung seiner individuellen Rechte, sondern auch eine Verletzung der Rechte der gesamten ungarischen Minderheit in der ČSSR ist.” Der 38 jahrige Geologe, Unterzeichner der „Charta 77,” hatte gegen einen Gesetzentwurf protestiert, der eine Kürzung des Ungarisch-Unterricht in den slowakischen Schulen vorsieht.
Die Unterzeichner der Erklarung scheinen diese Initiative auf Grund ihrer Anwesenheitbeim ersten Prozess desTchechoslowakischen Regimekritikers ergriffen zu haben. Miklós Duray, der erstmals im November 1982 festgenommen und „subversiver Aktivitaten” beschuldigt worden war, wurde ohne Verurteilung nach dem Prozess freigelassen. Informierten Kreisen zufolge sollen die ungarischen Behörden interveniert sein.
Az Agence Francé Presse francia hírügynökség tudósítása
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Hungarian Writers Condemn Arrest of Miklos Duray
Vienna, June 14 (Reuter) – Three prominent Hungarian writers have publicly condemned the arrest of a prominent campaigner for the rights of the Hungarian ethnic minority in Czechoslovakia, informed sources in Budapest said today.
They said Tibor Cseres, István Csurka and Miklós Mészöly issued a statement condemning the detention in Bratislava on May 10 of Miklos Duray, a writer and geologist active in minority campaigns.
„The arrest of Miklós Duray is not only a violation of his individual rights, but those of the entire Hungarian minority (in Czechoslovakia),” the statement said.
Duray, also detained for three months in 1982, played a key role in a successful campaign last winter against plans to curtail native-language education for the 5 80,000-strong Hungarian minority, most of whom live in Southern and Eastern Slovakia.
Hungarian sources said he had been charged with harming Czechoslovakia’s interests abroad.
Diplomats said the case could irritate relations between the neighboring Communist countries, already strained by Prague’s overt criticism of Hungary’s more open economic policy towards Western states.
The three are firmly established figures in the Hungarian cultural scene, and although they are known as critical intellectuals, they are in no sense dissidents.
A Reuters angol hírügynökség tudósítása
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Vienna, June 14 (AP) – Three well-known Hungarian writers have condemned the arrest on May 10 in Bratislava of 39-year-old geologist and writer Miklós Duray, a leader of the 700,000-strong Hungarian minority in Czechoslovakia, informed sources reported Thursday.
The writers, believed to be members of the Presidium of the Hungarian Writers’ Union, were identified as Tibor Cseres, István Csurka and Miklós Mészöly.
According to the sources, they said in their protest that Duray, first arrested on November 10,1982 and charged with „insults to the Republic,” was charged this time with „harming the interests of the Republic abroad by giving false information to Western media.”
Duray’s trial started on February 3, 1983 in Bratislava, adjourned until February 11, but he was not convicted and subsequently released. The February 3 hearing was attended by the three writers who now issued the protest.
„This new arrest of Miklós Duray is not only a violation of his individual rights, but those of the entire Hungarian minority” living in Czechoslovakia, the writers said in their statement.
Duray was also credited with having played a prominent part in the successful campaign to stop reduction of teaching for the Hungarian minority in Czechoslovakia.
The sources said they had heard that Duray’s lawyer was not allowed to see him in jail. It was not known if and when a new trial would be held.
Az Associated Press amerikai hírügynökség tudósítása
UNGARN IN DER ČSSR. Drei ungarische Schriftsteiler protestierten, wie aus Budapester Dissidentenkreisen verlautete, gegen die Festnahme des Autors Miklós Duray am 11. Mai in Preflburg. Duray zahlt zur ungarischen Minderheit in der ČSSR.
1984. június 16/17